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Infratel Italia's 2020

Infratel Italia, an in-house company of the MiSE, retraces the projects and actions implemented during this year in support of the country's development.

 "The Covid-19 emergency forced us to make a decisive change of pace - declares the President of Infratel Italia, Eleonora Fratesi - confirming our strategic role in the implementation of digital strategies, which will be fundamental for the restart of the country." Infratel Italia presents the Yearbook 2020 with the main projects to which it has given impetus throughout the year since the appointment of the new top management of the company, the a cceleration actions of the Ultralarga Band Plan together with the new BUL platform, the experiments together with the GARR consortium to bring ultra-broadband in school buildings.

Pilot projects together with startups with Piazza Wi-Fi Italia bringing Li-Fi and augmented reality to museums and national parks; until December, with the release of the new WiFi Italy APP, without forgetting the institutional activities alongside the Ministry of
Economic Development, from the voucher plan for low-income families to the school plan to bring ultra-fast connectivity to schools, up to the Digital measure Transformation and the memorandum of understanding with Sport and Health for the connectivity of
public sports facilities.

Digital infrastructures are fundamental for the restart of the country - declares the CEO of Infratel Italia, Marco Bellezza. "Together with the connections we must bring services and new development opportunities to the territories. This is Infratel Italia's commitment for 2021".

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